To Thine Own 3D Selfie Be True

Outreach for an Academic Library Makerspace with a 3D Selfie Booth




makerspace, library, academic library, outreach, 3D printing, 3D scanning, technology, selfie


To promote an academic library makerspace, the University of Mississippi Libraries hosted a “3D selfie” booth which used body scanning technology. This booth, advertised on campus and set up outside the library during the first weeks of class, was designed to attract attention and perform outreach through the use of body scans to be printed in the makerspace at a later date. Although the hoped-for printing of “selfies” did not materialize, the project resulted in data about interested patrons and ideas for similar projects going forward. This paper serves as a case study for other academic library makerspaces interested in similar outreach.


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How to Cite

Watson, A. (2023). To Thine Own 3D Selfie Be True: Outreach for an Academic Library Makerspace with a 3D Selfie Booth. Information Technology and Libraries, 42(4).


