Activating Our Intelligence

A Common-Sense Approach to Artificial Intelligence


  • Dorothy Stoltz Waldo Publishers, Stoltz Creative Consulting



artificial intelligence, libraries, curiosity, intelligence, humor, discernment, unlearning


How can we sift through the AI challenges and create a balanced approach drawing on the library’s strengths?  This column presents a reflection on how we can inspire and foster our intelligence and potential to discern useful information about AI and our use of it.  

Author Biography

Dorothy Stoltz, Waldo Publishers, Stoltz Creative Consulting

Dorothy Stoltz is a professional librarian, author, and trainer, Waldo Publishers and Stoltz Creative Consulting.  She has served as programming and outreach manager and community engagement director. Dorothy advocates for the quality of our thinking and our love of learning as being incomplete without the support of each other.

Dorothy retired with the Carroll County (MD) Public Library in 2021. She is author of six books for ALA Editions: Inspired Thinking (2020), Transform and Thrive (2018), Inspired Collaboration (2016), The Power of Play (2015), Tender Topics (2013), and Every Child Ready for School (2013) – and for Waldo Publishers: Activate Peer Learning in Your Library and Community (2023).

Dorothy is owner of Waldo Publishers, LLC ( which presents books inspired by the philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson to “activate from within.” She offers mentoring, consulting, and training services on creativity, advocacy, wellness, and peer learning for libraries and other organizations, through Stoltz Creative Consulting.


Dr. Angelo Thalassinidis and Paul Trinh, “Conversations on Artificial Intelligence,” (program, Edgewater Branch, Anne Arundel County Public Library, MD, May 22, 2024).

“The Golden Verses of Pythagoras,” Harvard University, accessed August 25, 2024,

“Use Your ‘Forgettery,’” Roger von Oech’s Creative Think, accessed August 25, 2024,




How to Cite

Dorothy Stoltz. (2024). Activating Our Intelligence: A Common-Sense Approach to Artificial Intelligence. Information Technology and Libraries, 43(3).



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