An Evidence-Based Review of Academic Web Search Engines, 2014-2016: Implications for Librarians’ Practice and Research Agenda
Academic web search engines have become central to scholarly research. While the fitness of Google Scholar for research purposes has been examined repeatedly, Microsoft Academic and Google Books have not received much attention. Recent studies have much to tell us about the coverage and utility of Google Scholar, its coverage of the sciences, and its utility for evaluating researcher impact. But other aspects have been woefully understudied, such as coverage of the arts and humanities, books, and non-Western, non-English publications. User research has also tapered off. A small number of articles hint at the opportunity for librarians to become expert advisors concerning opportunities of scholarly communication made possible or enhanced by these platforms. This article seeks to summarize research concerning Google Scholar, Google Books, and Microsoft Academic from the past three years with a mind to informing practice and setting a research agenda. Selected literature from earlier time periods is included to illuminate key findings and to help shape the proposed research agenda, especially in understudied areas.
Abrizah, A. and Mike Thelwall. 2014. "Can the Impact of Non- Western Academic Books be Measured? an Investigation of Google Books and Google Scholar for Malaysia." Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 65 (12): 2498-2508. doi:10.1002/asi.23145.
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Askey, Dale and Kenning Arlitsch. 2015. "Heeding the Signals: Applying Web Best Practices when Google Recommends." Journal of Library Administration 55 (1): 49-59. doi:10.1080/01930826.2014.978685.
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Boeker, Martin, Werner Vach, and Edith Motschall. 2013. "Google Scholar as Replacement for Systematic Literature Searches: Good Relative Recall and Precision are Not Enough." BMC Medical Research Methodology 13 (1): 1.
Bonato, Sarah. 2016. "Google Scholar and Scopus for Finding Gray Literature Publications." Journal of the Medical Library Association 104 (3): 252-254. doi:10.3163/1536-5050.104.3.021.
Bornmann, Lutz, Andreas Thor, Werner Marx, and Hermann Schier. 2016. "The Application of Bibliometrics to Research Evaluation in the Humanities and Social Sciences: An Exploratory Study using Normalized Google Scholar Data for the Publications of a Research Institute." Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 67 (11): 2778-2789. doi:10.1002/asi.23627.
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Haddaway, Neal Robert, Alexandra Mary Collins, Deborah Coughlin, and Stuart Kirk. 2015. "The Role of Google Scholar in Evidence Reviews and its Applicability to Grey Literature Searching." PloS One 10 (9): e0138237.
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